Friday, April 22, 2011
Thank You!
Thank you so much for everything you have done for me.
I enjoyed every class, I hope all the best to all of you.
Good luck on your life!
Have a great Easter weekend.
Mr. G
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Final Quiz Review
Slot 1 Quiz (WW1-WW2)
- Cause of WW1?
- Major Battles (Ypres 1,2, Somme, Vimy Ridge)
- New Weapon, technologies, Poison Gas
- Treaty of Versailles (double check spelling) 1919
- Conscription, its Crisis 1917 -> Conflict
- Women in WW1, involvement, rights, jobs
Winnipeg General Strike & Great Depression
- Sympathy Strike
- Bloody Saturday, June 17th, 1919 (Double Check!)
- Scabs
- Bolshevism
- Unemployment, numbers of people who were unemployed
- How it ended
- OBU (One Big Union)
- 25% of Canadians were unemployed
- Interment Camp for young men and workers
- Ottawa Trek, how it started, where it ended
- Prime Minister -> R.B. Bennett
- It was illegal not to have a job
- Germany, Italy and Japan against Britain, Canada, U.S., Russia
- Canada was assisting its allies
- Japanese Canadian Interment Camp in Canada
- Pearl Harbor December 7th, 1941
- How the war started -> Invasion of Poland by Germany -> World Domination
- (How the war was ended -> Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima by U.S.)
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Quiz Review for General Strike and Great Depression
-General Strike?
Industry Workers’ out of jobs
“sympathy Strike” for the industry workers
One Big Union – 1 small union -> get unionized
OBU organized a big strike across Canada
SCAB – who took the job from the strikers (Strike Breakers)
30,000 people unemployed
Laws against picketing
Laws to negotiate the wages
Started May 15th, 1919 - Ended June 26th
Bloody Saturday, June 17th, 1919
o 1 person got killed in the strike
o Some people got injured
o Told to not strike, but did anyway
o Royal Northwest Mounted Police
-Great Depression?
Life Style, poor living condition,
25% people of the country was unemployed
R.B. Benett – Prime Minister
Farmer and crops were not profitable
Interment camp – young employed, Eastern Europeans
Some people got deported to home country
o Government was afraid of “Revolution”
Bolshevik (means “Majority” in Russian)
Ottawa Trek – made through to Regina
o Result – never made it to what they wanted in Ottawa
Monday, April 11, 2011
World War II Reading and Questionnaire
The required reading material for World War II is on the pick-up.
Courses->Canadian History->Pick-Up->GOTO->WW2
Pick up following two:
World War II questionaire Our Canada
World War II questionaire Our Canada Reading
Now, you may read and answer questions.
Mr. G
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Bonus for You.
What was the story of Mr. G about the strike?
E-mail Mr. G if you can remember the story.
I will provide you a bonus mark if you can answer properly.
One more day to go for this week, class!
Mr. G
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Welcome Back, Class!
Guess what Mr. G did in Spring Break)
Good Morning Class:
I hope everyone had a great Spring Break.
Here is our new week.
-We will finish off the movie from the week before the Spring Break.
-We will get into the Winnipeg General Strike.
-After the movie, go on the computer.
-Go to "Course" -> "Canadian History" -> "Pick Up" -> "GOTO" -> "Winnipeg General Strike".
-Find the PDF file called "Labour's Year"
-Do the reading and questions. They are due Tuesday.
We will go over them on Tuesday.
Have a great week, class!
Mr. G
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
More Handouts to Pick-Up!
I dropped off some files to help your understanding for the World War I issues following:
-Propaganda Powerpoint file
-Trench Warfare handout
-Conscription Crisis handout
-World War I Timeline handout
Also, I dropped off the test review for this coming Wednesday.
-World War I Test Review handout
On Monday, March 21st, we will be looking at:
1. Photo presentation (Ingrid)
2. The leftover slide of the Conscription Crisis
3. Film of the Conscription Crisis (13 minutes)
4. The end of the war slides
5. Film of the the end of the war (22 minutes)
Tuesday, March 22nd, we will be reviewing the World War I.
(Possibly some fun thing at the end of the class)
Have a great long weekend.
Mr. G
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Major Battles of The World War I
I am looking for you to understand:
-The year of each major battle
-Brief explanation about the battle
-What the significance was on each major battle
Knowing some extra information such as casualty damage and technologies in battles enrich your understanding of the major battles.
Tomorrow is the due day for the assignment of "Seventeen Days of Hades".
We are starting off with introducing the Canada Home Front.
Mr. G
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Rubric for The Historical Photography Assignment
Photo was provided: 3 Marks
Posture, voice, eye-contact: 3 Marks
Story was ready to share: 3 Marks
The significance of the story: 3 Marks
Interaction with the audiences(Q&A): 3 Marks
Total: 15 Marks
Make it fun! This is supposed to be a fun assignment.
Mr. G
Sign-up Sheet
Dear Class:
Good afternoon.
I posted the sign-up sheet for the historical photography assignment on the side of the front blackboard.
Please do sign up for your mini-presentation to talk about your photo.
I suggest you to sign up earlier, because only two people can sign up for a day. If you procrastinate till the last minute, you might miss any day to present, and you do not get your mark for this assignment.
I hope to see you sign up sooner.
Mr. G
Three Major Battles
I dropped off the PDF file of the information about the three major battles of the World War I in the pick-up folder.
I hope this helps your understanding about the World War I.
Talk to you soon in the class.
Mr. G
Monday, March 14, 2011
History -A People's History- Questionnaire
“Our Investment of Blood”
The Causes of The World War I
Please check the pick up folder,
I dropped the PDF file for you.
Take care,
Mr. G
Sunday, March 13, 2011
“17 Days of Hades” Assignment
Good morning everyone!
I hope you had a great and restful weekend.
Here is the first major assignment for you from Mr. G.
Mr. Goto
Canadian History 30S
“17 Days of Hades” Assignment
After watching the film “17 Days of Hades”, do the reflection piece based on your thoughts about this film. Following are details:
-Provide general Impression about this film. Is this your favourite film? Was it sad? Depressing? Share your feelings, thoughts, and opinions with me. Provide supporting evidence from the film, so you can back up and support your idea(s)!
Choice of Two:
1- Pick one part of this film and analyze* it. Why does it have a strong impact on you?
2 - What is trench warfare, and why was so much of World War I dominated by this method of fighting? Consider such elements as technology, strategy, attitudes of leaders, and any other factors you can think of. How did trench warfare affect the duration of the war? WHY?
3 - How did the use of new technologies such as Poison Gas during World War I influence the war? Which sides benefited the most from which technologies? Did any of them play a role in either lengthening or in shortening the war? Which technologies were the most important? WHY?
4 - What was the “Operation Disinfection”? Was it successful for Germany? Why would you think Germany used the Poison Gas to fight even though it was not allowed to use chemical weapon during the war?
5 - Would you be a volunteer as a soldier in WWI if you were in the era? WHY or WHY NOT?
Length: 1 – 1.5 pages minimum, 2 page max.
1. Examine methodically and in detail the constitution or structure of (something, esp. information), typically for purposes of explanation and interpretation.
2. Discover or reveal (something) through such examination.
Have a great week.
Mr. G
The Trench Warfare Handout Note
Trench Warfare
There were many problems that existed for the soldiers while they were in the trenches.
The rain was a constant problem. Whenever it would rain, the trenches would fill up with water and the soldiers were forced to stand in icy water and mud.
This caused some serious problems with their feet. Known as trenchfoot, their feet would swell and they would be in extreme pain. If they tried to take off their boots in relief, they would not be able to get them back on.
Day after day, week after week, the men would eat and sleep in the wet muddy trenches crouched behind rifles in soaking wet uniforms.
The mud was everywhere and in it were bits of trees, shrapnel, rubble and body parts.
The men would work in 48-hour shifts, 4 days on and 4 days off. Some were in the trenches 55 days at a time when reinforcements would not appear. It was not possible for them to keep warm or clean. The men and the trenches were infested with lice and rats were everywhere.
Lice were called itchee-coos. They lived on clothes and in hair. The lice need a meal of blood every 12 hours in order to survive. They would lay eggs in the seams of the soldiers’ clothes.
They laid 6-7 eggs per day. Each female could lay up to 300 eggs that would hatch every 3 days. They would come onto the bodies to feed and then retreat into the seams of the clothes.
Soldiers were supposed to get fumigated clothing but even the clean clothes had lice in them as large as grains of rice. All bedding was crawling with vermin when they were out on rest.
Rats had a constant supply of food. The men who died in No Man’s Land could not be recovered so they became food for rats. The soldiers were forced to see their comrades being eaten (sometimes while they were still alive) and to listen to the sound of their dying. The smell of blood and rotting flesh was constant.
The men also were in danger from the barbed wire.
Gas was first used as a weapon by the Germans at the Battle of Ypres in 1915.
The gas would blow across the Allies lines and would slowly choke the soldiers who had no masks.
The gas was known a s mustard gas because of its colour. It was chlorine. The gas would corrode the lungs of a soldier immediately and he would choke to death on his own lungs as they frothed up and consumed him.
The Germans would wear their masks and attack. Even without the masks, the Canadian soldiers at Ypres stayed and fought for 2 days. 1 in 3 Canadians were hurt or killed but they never retreated.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Fun scavenger hunt?
Please print your answer and bring to tomorrow's class,
we will go over the answers.
Make sure to hand it in before the end of the class.
We will be playing some fun game tomorrow,
look forward to that.
Mr. G
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Review from Tuesday, March 8th
-Two alliances
British Empire, France, Russia
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire (Turkey)
-3 -isms
Imperialism, Patriotism, Militarism
Tomorrow is lab day!:)
Have a good T.A. meeting.
Mr. G
Lab booked!
Scavenger Hunt Questions
World War I Introductory Assignment
Please go to the Wikipedia website to answer all of the following questions:
1. What years did World War I occur between?
2. World War I is also known by these two titles?
3. What major countries made up the Allied Powers?
4. What major countries made up the Central Powers?
5. Where did much of the fighting in World War I take place?
6. What is “no man’s land”?
*Click on the sub topic Causes of World War I *
7. What event caused the beginning of the First World War?
*Click on the sub topic Trench Warfare Begins*
8. Describe what is meant by Trench Warfare.
9. In April what did the Germans use for the first time in battle?
*Stay in this section but click on the title Vimy Ridge and read the section under the title Legacy*
10. Why was the
*Go back to the main screen and click on Naval War*
11. What was the German U-Boat threat?
*Go back to main screen and click on Entry of the United States*
12. What year did the
* Go back to the main screen and click on End of War*
13. What is significant about the date November 11th?
14. Who was the last soldier killed in the Great War?
* Go back to the main screen and click on Economic and Manpower Issues*
15. What effect did World War I have on women?
16. What is Conscription?
17. What was the Conscription Crisis of 1917 and what effect did it have on Canadians?
*Go back to the main screen and click on Technology*
18. List five new technologies developed in World War I?
*Go back to the main screen and click on Aftermath*
19. How did the war affect
20. Who are the “Lost Generations”?