Friday, April 22, 2011

Thank You!

Dear Class:

Thank you so much for everything you have done for me.
I enjoyed every class, I hope all the best to all of you.

Good luck on your life!

Have a great Easter weekend.

Mr. G

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Final Quiz Review

April 20th, Wednesday
Slot 1 Quiz (WW1-WW2)
- Cause of WW1?
- Major Battles (Ypres 1,2, Somme, Vimy Ridge)
- New Weapon, technologies, Poison Gas
- Treaty of Versailles (double check spelling) 1919
- Conscription, its Crisis 1917 -> Conflict
- Women in WW1, involvement, rights, jobs
Winnipeg General Strike & Great Depression
- Sympathy Strike
- Bloody Saturday, June 17th, 1919 (Double Check!)
- Scabs
- Bolshevism
- Unemployment, numbers of people who were unemployed
- How it ended
- OBU (One Big Union)
- 25% of Canadians were unemployed
- Interment Camp for young men and workers
- Ottawa Trek, how it started, where it ended
- Prime Minister -> R.B. Bennett
- It was illegal not to have a job
- Germany, Italy and Japan against Britain, Canada, U.S., Russia
- Canada was assisting its allies
- Japanese Canadian Interment Camp in Canada
- Pearl Harbor December 7th, 1941
- How the war started -> Invasion of Poland by Germany -> World Domination
- (How the war was ended -> Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima by U.S.)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Quiz Review for General Strike and Great Depression

-General Strike?
 Industry Workers’ out of jobs
 “sympathy Strike” for the industry workers
 One Big Union – 1 small union -> get unionized
 OBU organized a big strike across Canada
 SCAB – who took the job from the strikers (Strike Breakers)
 30,000 people unemployed
 Laws against picketing
 Laws to negotiate the wages
 Started May 15th, 1919 - Ended June 26th
 Bloody Saturday, June 17th, 1919
o 1 person got killed in the strike
o Some people got injured
o Told to not strike, but did anyway
o Royal Northwest Mounted Police

-Great Depression?
 Life Style, poor living condition,
 25% people of the country was unemployed
 R.B. Benett – Prime Minister
 Farmer and crops were not profitable
 Interment camp – young employed, Eastern Europeans
 Some people got deported to home country
o Government was afraid of “Revolution”
 Bolshevik (means “Majority” in Russian)
 Ottawa Trek – made through to Regina
o Result – never made it to what they wanted in Ottawa

Monday, April 11, 2011

World War II Reading and Questionnaire


The required reading material for World War II is on the pick-up.
Courses->Canadian History->Pick-Up->GOTO->WW2

Pick up following two:

World War II questionaire Our Canada
World War II questionaire Our Canada Reading

Now, you may read and answer questions.

Mr. G

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bonus for You.

What was the story of Mr. G about the strike?

E-mail Mr. G if you can remember the story.

I will provide you a bonus mark if you can answer properly.

One more day to go for this week, class!

Mr. G

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Welcome Back, Class!

Guess what Mr. G did in Spring Break)

Good Morning Class:

I hope everyone had a great Spring Break.
Here is our new week.

-We will finish off the movie from the week before the Spring Break.

-We will get into the Winnipeg General Strike.

-After the movie, go on the computer.

-Go to "Course" -> "Canadian History" -> "Pick Up" -> "GOTO" -> "Winnipeg General Strike".

-Find the PDF file called "Labour's Year"

-Do the reading and questions. They are due Tuesday.
We will go over them on Tuesday.

Have a great week, class!

Mr. G